Why do you need end-to-end encryption services?

Establish data confidentiality with encryption.

Ironclad VPN cryptography solutions

Protect your private networks with national security-grade cryptography solutions by VOROR.

At VOROR our VPN cryptography solutions are ideal for small and large-scale organisations as it secures internet communications and minimises data breaches.

VPN cryptography helps to create end-to-end encryption and blocks any unauthorised third-party users from intercepting your sensitive information.

Simply put, it ensures that your network activity is only visible to you and your service provider.

As online activity, including online communication, becomes the norm, the security of personal data and sensitive information is called into question as cyber threats grow.

Data security also plays a significant role in processing and storing files, making anyone communicating or processing data on the same network, a potential target for an attack by cybercriminals.

Without adequate encryption, third parties are more likely to gain unauthorised access to personal, sensitive, and confidential content.

End-to-end encryption services—also known as E2EE—can help you counter such threats and secure data communication between two parties by applying encryption. This ensures only the targeted recipient can decrypt or view your information.

How do end-to-end encryption services work?

End-to-end encryption works by changing human-readable plaintext into incoherent ciphertext. This can be done in two ways—asymmetric and symmetric.

Asymmetric encryption or Public-key Cryptography uses two distinct keys connected with a mathematical algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the transferred data and is known as Public and Private Key Pair.

The Public Key is used for encryption. The Private Key is used for decryption and is designed to be used only by the targeted recipient for decoding.

Symmetric encryption uses only one key to encrypt and decrypt the information where both the sender and the recipient share the same encryption key.

According to cybersecurity experts, asymmetric encryption, which is the more recent type of cloud cryptography, is more secure, but requires more processing power. This makes it much slower than symmetric encryption.

How do end-to-end encryption services work?

End-to-end encryption works by changing human-readable plaintext into incoherent ciphertext. This can be done in two ways—asymmetric and symmetric.

Asymmetric encryption or Public-key Cryptography uses two distinct keys connected with a mathematical algorithm to encrypt and decrypt the transferred data and is known as Public and Private Key Pair.

The Public Key is used for encryption. The Private Key is used for decryption and is designed to be used only by the targeted recipient for decoding.

Symmetric encryption uses only one key to encrypt and decrypt the information where both the sender and the recipient share the same encryption key.

According to cybersecurity experts, asymmetric encryption, which is the more recent type of cloud cryptography, is more secure, but requires more processing power. This makes it much slower than symmetric encryption.

Why you need end-to-end encryption services

Protection of private data

E2EE ensures only the sender and the intended recipient have access to unencrypted data, protecting confidential data from external parties.

Complete control of data

No matter where the information moves, only the data owner or the sender can change, control, revoke access, or restrict sharing.

Enhanced flexibility

The complete control of the sender also includes them having the flexibility to decide what data to encrypt and determine data accessibility.

Elimination of data distortion

Only the intended receiver can decrypt the data. If altered by a third party, the message is mixed up on decryption, alerting the recipient.

Ensured compliance

Enterprises and organisations can protect data from unauthorised parties and guarantee compliance with data policies and laws.

Greater device protection

E2EE confronts attackers with an extra barrier of device hacking to reach the data—a time-and-effort-consuming task that keeps out most threat actors. 

Why you need end-to-end encryption services

Protection of private data

E2EE ensures only the sender and the intended recipient have access to unencrypted data, protecting confidential data from external parties.

Complete control of data

No matter where the information moves, only the data owner or the sender can change, control, revoke access, or restrict sharing.

Enhanced flexibility

The complete control of the sender also includes them having the flexibility to decide what data to encrypt and determine data accessibility.

Elimination of data distortion

Only the intended receiver can decrypt the data. If altered by a third party, the message is mixed up on decryption, alerting the recipient.

Ensured compliance

Enterprises and organisations can protect data from unauthorised parties and guarantee compliance with data policies and laws.

Greater device protection

E2EE confronts attackers with an extra barrier of device hacking to reach the data—a time-and-effort-consuming task that keeps out most threat actors.

VOROR—solutions customised for your cybersecurity needs

VOROR brings our clients globally recognised solutions for cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection to detect and counter potential cyber threats.

We’re committed to bringing you bespoke solutions that can effortlessly integrate with your systems without disrupting your existing ecosystem.

Get in touch with our specialists today to get the most fitting solution for your organisation. 


How can cloud cryptography help counter cyber threats?

Today, the world relies on the internet for multiple purposes, which increases the amount of data migrated to the cloud. As cyber threat actors become more innovative by the day, any cloud attack can risk data in the cloud being exploited, which calls for an increased need for cloud security.

By encrypting your sensitive and confidential data, you can protect the data in the cloud and take action against cybercriminals.

Research on the global percentage of sensitive data encrypted in cloud 2022, revealed that nearly 40% of respondents indicated that 21% to 40% of their sensitive data in the cloud was encrypted.

Why do organisations need to invest in cloud cryptography?

The right to privacy element requires governments to protect and respect the personal and individual information of their citizens. As a result, organisations have the responsibility to protect the private information their clients willingly share with them.

In addition, as data exploitation by cybercriminals increases, organisations that deal with confidential data are required to take necessary steps to prevent such data from falling into the wrong hands and threatening networks, devices, and individuals.

How can VOROR help?

VOROR provides organisations with cybersecurity solutions that protect their networks, devices, and sensitive data.

In addition to government-grade cryptography services, our services also include Zero Trust Assured Protocol solutions and Zero Trust email architecture solutions.

To learn more about how your organisation can benefit from partnering with VOROR, get in touch today.

Protect the privacy of your organisation and your clients with end-to-end encryption services

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